21st June 24
Big changes to the way we manage repeating events, and another wave of security improvements.
🔐 Security first, always
This latest Range Mate release includes some important enhancements on the security front. Here's a run down:
Logins (known as "Sessions") are now stored "server side". In practice this means:
We can keep track of who, what and where logins are occurring from, helping to make sure those logins are legitimate
We can email you every time a new login is detected
You get far greater visibility and control over managing and revoking your logins
Some other changes include:
By default, when you check "remember me" the session will last 3 months before you have to re-enter your password
If you do not wish to be remembered, it will last 30 minutes
However, if no activity is detected for 30 consecutive days, the session will be ended and you'll have to re-enter your password
For security, you are limited to being logged into 10 separate devices at any one time
There have also been some changes to our SSL/TLS configuration and other security headers:
TLS 1.2 is now the minimum (inc. support for TLS 1.3)
Cookie prefixes are used to ensure all browsers treat them as secure
Range Mate now implements a strict Browser Permissions Policy
Other minor tweaks to our Cloudflare security layer to keep up to date with the latest features
Event repeats are now much more sophisticated. When creating an event you can choose to have it repeat on, for example, the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month (instead of just "monthly" as it was before.
Admins and event managers can also control how many future events are visible and bookable for repeating events. Use this in combination with booking restrictions for full control over what members can see and book
Fixed a bug that meant trying to add retrospective bookings via the Range Log sometimes wasn't possible and threw an error
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